
The Cross Cultural 健康 Immersion to 加纳, Africa integrates western health practices with folk medicine that is integral in providing culturally competent health care to all groups. Cross cultural health immersion is an important mechanism that can increase one's awareness with respect to cultural competence.


Immersion Experience

The program offers an immersion experience in May, enabling students to work alongside 加纳 健康 Service, community health educators, and the community. 自2008年以来, 一个学生, 教师, and professional staff have been part of this partnership in the twin cities of Sekondi and Takoradi, 加纳, 西非. Participants engage in direct health services, interprofessional collaboration, community education, and academic and cross cultural exchange.

Broaden your worldview and begin the process of becoming a culturally sensitive health professional. Increase your professional capacity through self reflection prior to, 在, and after the experience.

学生 from all health professions programs are invited to participate, 并将, in conjunction with participating 教师, 开发, 实现, and evaluate health education curricula relevant to the population need.

Watch: 一个学生 in 加纳


Director, WCHP Service Learning
Adjunct 教授, Westbrook College of 健康 Professions