
The University of New England is a health-sciences university grounded in the liberal arts. 除了27个医疗保健项目, the full range of liberal arts classes and majors makes UNE a unique 教育al environment. 自2009年以来, 优秀的教育, 奖学金, and service contributions have been exemplified by the UNE 药学院 faculty, 专业人员, 和学生.

Recently granted full accreditation by the 认证 Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE), UNE’s 药学院 is a leading educator of the next generation of pharmacists. 作为这个项目的学生, you master a variety of topics related to medication use including disease management, 药理学, 药物基因组学, 药物经济学, 药学信息学.

Our curriculum is dedicated to helping you achieve outcomes suited for your individual interests and 护理er aspirations. The 药学博士 program combines interdisciplinary 教育 with experiential practice and results in a pharmacist prepared for the rigors of an interprofessional health management team.

除了, the School's Office of Continuing Education has been granted provider status from the 认证 Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE). This makes UNE the first accredited provider of continuing pharmacy 教育 in 缅因州, 佛蒙特州, 和新罕布什尔州.

The School has successfully recruited and retained a very talented group of faculty members who are providing outstanding pharmacy 临床 services and advancing research in the pharmaceutical, 生物医学, 临床, 以及行政科学.


The class sizes are on the smaller side, so the professors know your name. 这里的学习经历比在大校园要好得多.

药房(制药.D.), Pre-Pharmacy
北大学生Alexis Radziewicz的大头照

成为一名药剂师的想法可能令人生畏, but everyone here works together — it’s not every man or woman for themselves, 而是我们在一起.

药房(制药.D.), Pre-Pharmacy

I completed the pre-pharmacy program at UNE as the president of my class. 现在在研究生阶段学习, I’m excited to be alongside my Nor’easter peers at an institution that values nontraditional paths like mine.

药房(制药.D.), Pre-Pharmacy

I definitely feel like the Pre-Pharmacy classes that I took prepared me for the classes that I'm in now. 有完美的相似之处,它是专门为药学专业的学生设立的.

药房(制药.D.), Pre-Pharmacy

我在全球网络赌博平台有宾至如归的感觉, 我在面试中遇到的每个人都很好,很平易近人, 这种感觉是真实的,这种感觉在任何地方都找不到.

I apply the knowledge and skills that I developed during UNE's PGY1 residency program in my new role at Yale New Haven Hospital every day.
Going to pharmacy school has allowed me to explore the scientific field without narrowing my potential 护理er opportunities.
通过灵活性和支持, I was able to leverage these non-traditional curriculum opportunities to pursue a 护理er in industry pharmacy as a fellow and stood out from the crowd of other Pharm.D. fellow applicants that did not have these valuable and rewarding experiences.
药房(制药.D.), Pre-Pharmacy


马丁点医疗保健 (MPHC) offers primary 护理 services within seven health 护理 centers throughout 缅因州 and Portsmouth, 新汉普郡. It is a health 护理 organization leading the way to provide better 护理 at lower costs in the communities it serves. 作为一个非盈利组织, 这是MPHC的主要任务, 是帮助病人和健康计划成员过上更健康的生活, 承诺用温暖对待每一个人, 护理, 和关心.

MPHC is unique in that it provides both health 护理 services and health insurance plans. Understanding both the 临床 side of health 护理 as well as the health plan administrative side provides the insight necessary to make meaningful improvements to the health 护理 system. The Martin’s Point difference lies in its mission to exemplify and inspire health 护理 and service excellence through leadership, 教育, 和创新.

The Portland 健康 Care Center will serve as one of the practice sites for the resident. It is the largest of the seven MPHC centers and serves approximately 10,000 patients. The pharmacy department is comprised of both 临床 pharmacists and operationally based pharmacists who work together to improve patient 护理 experiences and health outcomes. The pharmacy team plays an integral role in the provision of comprehensive primary 护理 services in a unique interprofessional setting.

For more information about all of 马丁点医疗保健 services, visit www.MartinsPoint.org.


A lot has changed since 1883 — the year Arthur Hannaford began selling high-quality fruits and vegetables from a produce cart on the Portland, 缅因州, 海滨. 那辆单马马车变成了汉纳福德超市, a leading grocer serving customers throughout Northern New England and 纽约.

汉纳福德致力于营养学课程的健康, has registered dieticians on staff and pharmacy services 包括免疫接种 and 药物治疗管理. Your local Hannaford药房 is a full-service pharmacy with the convenience of a full-shop supermarket.

总部设在斯卡伯勒, 缅因州, 汉纳福德超市在缅因州经营着180家门店, 新汉普郡, 佛蒙特州, 纽约, 和海上丝路. 在这些商店里, Hannaford operates 153 pharmacies that offer a variety of health services, 包括免疫接种, 药物治疗管理, 以及处方提醒服务. At Hannaford Pharmacies program residents will gain experience working in both community pharmacy and corporate pharmacy administration settings. 

有关汉纳福德所有服务的更多信息,请访问 www.赫纳夫德.com.