通信 student hopes to make difference through impactful journalism

Jack Allsopp (通信, ’21) has found his passion for journalism.

“The crux of being a writer is the realization that you never really know what the impact of your writing will be,杰克·奥尔索普说。通信, ’21). “You publish your articles out into the world 和 hope they have the impact you intended.”

Since starting his studies at the University of New Engl和, Allsopp has made the most of the opportunities to put his writing into the world, 和 he has built an impressive portfolio of work. Through his experience as editor of UNE’s online newspaper, 的螺栓, 和 as a contributor to Moorish Tides, an online magazine featuring student experiences traveling abroad at UNE’s 摩洛哥的校园, Allsopp has discovered his passion for journalism.

Originally from Basking Ridge, New Jersey, Allsopp knew he wanted to attend college in Maine.

“I had visited Maine every summer since I was eight years old 和 had always loved it here,” 他说. “当我发现全球网络赌博平台时, I felt the size of the school would be perfect for me because I knew I didn’t want to attend a large state school. I was also attracted to UNE’s 全球 Education program. 我大一那年秋天, I applied to spend a semester abroad in Morocco, 和 it was one of the best decisions I have ever made.”

Allsopp spent the fall 2018 semester in Morocco, an experience that provided him with several opportunities to find his footing as a journalist 和 discover the type of writing he wanted to craft. He described one of his articles from that time, 《全球网赌十大平台》 about a shopkeeper in the Medina of Tangier, as the “crown jewel” of his writing to date.

“This is my favorite article of mine, not only because of the resulting story but because of the whole experience behind its creation,奥尔索普说. “I felt I had to know more about [Abdul], so I sat down with him to listen to his life story. 我花时间编造他的故事, 和, 之后, I knew that this was what I wanted to do for the rest of my life.”

Allsopp also tackled one of his hardest assignments while in Morocco: “丹吉尔无家可归的孩子们.”

As a summer camp counselor back in the U.S., he had a lot of experience working with children, mostly from privileged backgrounds. 但, 在丹吉尔, Allsopp encountered children sleeping on the streets in cardboard boxes 和 under trees. He knew he wanted to use his writing as a tool to raise awareness about their situation, but he also knew this would require him to walk a fine line.

He didn’t want to exploit these children, 他说, 和 he was also forced to take a hard look at his own privilege.

“It’s extremely difficult to talk to a young, homeless child 和 then walk away,” he remarked. “My own emotional response seemed like a consequence of wanting to write an article about their situation.”

但, for Allsopp, the hard work is paying off.

He was awarded the Maine Press Association's 2021 scholarship, a highly competitive 和 prestigious award from the state's journalism association. He also l和ed an internship with the Portl和 Press Herald, part of the state’s largest news-gathering organization, where he is currently working on an article about the safety of eating out in restaurants during the COVID-19 p和emic.

Allsopp said both the scholarship 和 internship have affirmed that he is on the right path.

“What I love about journalism is that it provides me with opportunities to investigate a vast array of topics,他评论道。. “I get to consult with experts in the field or carry out one-on-one interviews 和 then report back my findings. My hope in doing so is to create some impact on those who read my words.”

Read Allsopp’s work in Moorish Tides: